Mehr als 80 Prozent der Unternehmen fehlt es an digitaler Fingerfertigkeit für neue Arbeitsweisen

Da viele Unternehmen mobile, teamorientierte und nicht routinemäßige Arbeitsweisen unterstützen wollen, suchen immer mehr von ihnen nach Unterstützung bei der Einführung digitaler Arbeitsplatztechnologien. Eine Umfrage des Research und Beratungsunternehmens Gartner kommt allerdings zu dem Ergebnis, dass nur 7 bis 18 Prozent der Unternehmen über die digitale Fingerfertigkeit verfügen, um neue Arbeitsweisen wie virtuelle Zusammenarbeit und mobiles Arbeiten einzuführen.


Im Ländervergleich waren die Unternehmen mit der höchsten digitalen Fingerfertigkeit diejenigen in den USA (18,2 Prozent der Befragten), gefolgt von denen in Deutschland (17,6 Prozent) und Großbritannien (17,1 Prozent). »Lösungen, die auf neue Arbeitsweisen abzielen, erschließen ein wachstumsstarkes Gebiet. Allerdings besteht die Herausforderung darin, die richtigen Unternehmen zu finden, die auch bereit sind, diese Technologien zu nutzen«, betont Craig Roth, Research Vice President bei Gartner.



Gartner Says Too Few Organisations Have the Digital Dexterity to Adopt New Ways of Work Solutions

Analysts to Discuss Digital Workplace Transformations at the Gartner Digital Workplace Summit, September 24-25 2018, London, UK


As many organisations want to support mobile, team-oriented and nonroutine ways of work, an increasing number of them are looking for assistance in adopting digital workplace technology. A Gartner, Inc. survey [1] concluded that only 7 per cent to 18 per cent of organisations possess the digital dexterity to adopt new ways of work (NWOW) solutions, such as virtual collaboration and mobile work.


An organisation with high digital dexterity has employees who have the cognitive ability and social practice to leverage and manipulate media, information and technology in unique and highly innovative ways.


By country, organisations exhibiting the highest digital dexterity were those in the US (18.2 per cent of respondents), followed by those in Germany (17.6 per cent) and then the UK (17.1 per cent). »Solutions targeting new ways of work are tapping into a high-growth area, but finding the right organisations ready to exploit these technologies is challenging,« said Craig Roth, research vice president at Gartner.


In parallel, the survey found that workers in the US, Germany and UK have, on average, higher digital dexterity than those in France, Singapore and Japan (see Figure 1).


Workers in the top three countries were much more open to working from anywhere, in a nonoffice fashion. They had a desire to use consumer (or consumerlike) software and web sites at work. Some of the difference in workers‘ digital dexterity is driven by cultural factors, as shown by large differences between countries. For example, population density impacts the ability to work outside the office, and countries with more adherence to organisational hierarchy had decreased affinity for social media tools that drive social engagement.


Figure 1. Openness to Digital Dexterity by Country

Source: Gartner (June 2018)


Older Workers Are Second-Most Likely Adopters of NWOW

As expected, the youngest workers are the most inclined of all age groups to adopt digital-workplace-driven products and services (see Figure 2). They have a positive view of tech in the workplace and a strong affinity for working in nonoffice environments. Nevertheless, they reported the lowest levels of agreement with the statement that work is best accomplished in teams.


Figure 2. Digital Dexterity Likelihood by Employee Age

Source: Gartner (June 2018)


The survey also showed that the oldest workers are the second most likely adopters of NWOW. Those aged 55 to 74 have the highest opinion of teamwork, have progressed to a position where there is little routine work, and have the most favourable view of all age groups of internal social networking technology


Workers aged 35 to 44 were at the low point of the adoption dip, potenzially feeling fatigued with the routines of life as middle age approaches. They were most likely to report that their jobs are routine, have the dimmest view of how technology can help their work, and are the least interested in mobile work.


Larger organisations on average had higher digital dexterity than smaller ones. »Embracing dynamic work styles, devices, work locations and team structures can transform a business and its relationship to its staff. But digital dexterity doesn’t come cheap,« said Mr Roth. »It takes investment in workplace design, mobile devices and software, and larger organisations find it easier to make this investment.«


Digital workplace transformations will be further discussed at the Gartner Digital Workplace Summit 2018 taking place 24-25 September in London. Follow news and updates from the event on Twitter at #GartnerDWS.


Gartner clients can find more information in the research note »User Survey Analysis: Use the Digital Dexterity Index to Target Buyers Ready for New Ways of Work.«


[1] The survey was conducted online in February and March 2017 among 3,120 respondents in the US, Europe and Asia/Pacific. Participants were screened for full-time employment in organisations with 100 or more employees and were required to use digital technology for work purposes.



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