Unternehmen suchen Unterstützung der Service-Provider für den Einsatz von AI-Technologien.
Im Jahr 2021 werden 30 Prozent der großen Unternehmen smarte Maschinen einsetzen, die Technologie wird damit zum Mainstream, so das IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner. Unter den Oberbegriff »smarte Maschinen« fallen Technologien wie Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence, intelligente Automation, Machine Learning und Deep Learning.
»Der Einsatz smarter Maschinen in Unternehmen hat transformative und disruptive Auswirkungen«, so Susan Tan, Research Vice President bei Gartner. »Smarte Maschinen verändern die Arbeit und die Wertschöpfung. Sie lassen sich in einer breiten Reihe von Anwendungen in allen Branchen einsetzen – von der Entwicklung dynamischer Preismodelle und der Betrugserkennung, bis zu Verbrechensprävention und Robotertechnik. Für Service-Provicer bedeutet das die Chance, Unternehmen bei der Bewertung, Auswahl und Implementierung der Technologien sowie beim Change-Management zu unterstützen.«
Gartner Says Smart Machines Will Enter Mainstream Adoption By 2021
Enterprises Look to Service Providers to Help Deploy AI Technologies
Smart machines will enter mainstream adoption by 2021, with 30 per cent adoption by large companies, according to Gartner, Inc. Technologies including cognitive computing, artificial intelligence (AI), intelligent automation, machine learning and deep learning fall under the umbrella term for smart machines.
»The use of smart machines by enterprises can be transformative and disruptive. Smart machines will profoundly change the way work is done and how value is created. From dynamic pricing models and fraud detection, to predictive policing and robotics, smart machines have broad applicability in all industries,« said Susan Tan, research vice president at Gartner. »For service providers, smart machines represent opportunities to help enterprises assess, select, implement, change and adapt talent, and for IT and business processes, the opportunity to successfully adopt smart machines for business benefits.«
The opportunity for consulting and system integration (C&SI) services will range from advising organisations to help them sort through the hype to helping with strategic design, training of the smart machines, deployment and integration to expansion and ongoing refinement. These opportunities will help drive spending on smart machine C&SI services from $451 million in 2016 to nearly $29 billion in 2021 (see Table 1).
Table 1
Worldwide Consulting and System Integration (Implementation) for Smart Machines (Millions of Dollars)
Device Type | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Consulting | 360 | 1,648 | 3,616 | 5,726 | 7,712 | 8,688 |
Implementation | 90 | 706 | 2,411 | 5,726 | 11,568 | 20,273 |
Total | 451 | 2,354 | 6,027 | 11,453 | 19,280 | 28,961 |
Source: Gartner (December 2016)
The spectrum of subtechnologies within smart machines will be adopted at different speeds and timings, with the majority of smart technologies being mainstream adopted in the 2020 through 2025 time frame. Organisations‘ investments into smart machines will span more than a decade, implying that the smart machine C&SI service market will be a long-term one.
»Over time, the increased C&SI opportunity created by the growing number of companies implementing more complex smart machine programmes is expected to be counter-balanced by the a reduction in costs of adoption, as every subsequent adoption of the same smart machine solution will be less expensive and faster,« said Ms Tan. »In the long term (about 10 years), smart machines will be an integral set of tools in the toolkit of C&SI service providers and infused into all next-generation services offerings.«
Gartner clients can read more detailed analysis in the report »Smart Machines: Consulting and System Integration Services Market Forecast and Opportunities.«
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