Laut dem IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner werden sich die weltweiten IT-Ausgaben für 2018 auf insgesamt etwa 3,7 Billionen US-Dollar belaufen, was einem Anstieg von 4,5 Prozent gegenüber 2017 entspricht.
»Das Wachstum der weltweiten Ausgaben für IT erfuhr 2017 einen Wendepunkt. In den nächsten Jahren erwarten wir wieder einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg der Ausgaben. Allerdings zeichnet sich auch zunehmend Unsicherheit ab: Unternehmen setzten sich mit den potenziellen Auswirkungen des Brexit, Währungsschwankungen und einer möglichen globalen Rezession auseinander«, meint John-David Lovelock, Research Vice President bei Gartner.
»Trotz dieser Ungewissheit werden die Unternehmen weiterhin in IT investieren, da sie mit einem Umsatzwachstum rechnen. Allerdings wird sich ihr Ausgabeverhalten ändern. Projekte in den Bereichen Digital Business, Blockchain, Internet of Things, und die Entwicklung von Big Data über Algorithmen bis hin zu Machine Learning und Künstlicher Intelligenz werden auch weiterhin die Haupttreiber des Wachstums sein.«
Gartner Says Global IT Spending to Reach $3.7 Trillion in 2018
STAMFORD, Conn., January 16, 2018 — Worldwide IT spending is projected to total $3.7 trillion in 2018, an increase of 4.5 per cent from 2017, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc.
»Global IT spending growth began to turn around in 2017, with continued growth expected over the next few years. However, uncertainty looms as organisations consider the potenzial impacts of Brexit, currency fluctuations, and a possible global recession,« said John-David Lovelock, research vice president at Gartner. »Despite this uncertainty, businesses will continue to invest in IT as they anticipate revenue growth, but their spending patterns will shift. Projects in digital business, blockchain, Internet of Things, and progression from big data to algorithms to machine learning to artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to be main drivers of growth.«
Enterprise software continues to exhibit strong growth, with worldwide software spending projected to grow 9.5 per cent in 2018, and it will grow another 8.4 per cent in 2019 to total $421 billion (see Table 1). Organisations are expected to increase spending on enterprise application software in 2018, with more of the budget shifting to software as a service (SaaS). The growing availability of SaaS-based solutions is encouraging new adoption and spending across many subcategories, such as financial management systems, human capital management and analytic applications.
Table 1. Worldwide IT Spending Forecast (Billions of US Dollars)
Spending |
Growth (%) |
Spending |
Growth (%) |
2019 Spending | 2019 Growth (%) | |
Data Centre Systems | 178 | 4.4 | 179 | 0.6 | 179 | -0.2 |
Enterprise Software | 355 | 8.9 | 389 | 9.5 | 421 | 8.4 |
Devices | 667 | 5.7 | 704 | 5.6 | 710 | 0.9 |
IT Services | 933 | 4.3 | 985 | 5.5 | 1,030 | 4.6 |
Communications Services | 1,393 | 1.3 | 1,427 | 2.4 | 1,443 | 1.1 |
Overall IT | 3,527 | 3.8 | 3,683 | 4.5 | 3,784 | 2.7 |
Source: Gartner (January 2018)
The devices segment is expected to grow 5.6 per cent in 2018. In 2017, the devices segment experienced growth for the first time in two years with an increase of 5.7 per cent. End-user spending on mobile phones is expected to increase marginally as average selling prices continue to creep upward even as unit sales are forecast to be lower. PC growth is expected to be flat in 2018 even as continued Windows 10 migration is expected to drive growth in the business market in China, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The impact of the iPhone 8 and iPhone X was minimal in 2017, as expected. However, iOS shipments are expected to grow 9.1 per cent in 2018.
»Looking at some of the key areas driving spending over the next few years, Gartner forecasts $2.9 trillion in new business value opportunities attributable to AI by 2021, as well as the ability to recover 6.2 billion hours of worker productivity,« said Mr Lovelock. »That business value is attributable to using AI to, for example, drive efficiency gains, create insights that personalise the customer experience, entice engagement and commerce, and aid in expanding revenue-generating opportunities as part of new business models driven by the insights from data.«
»Capturing the potenzial business value will require spending, especially when seeking the more near-term cost savings. Spending on AI for customer experience and revenue generation will likely benefit from AI being a force multiplier — the cost to implement will be exceeded by the positive network effects and resulting increase in revenue,« said Mr Lovelock.
Gartner’s IT spending forecast methodology relies heavily on rigorous analysis of sales by thousands of vendors across the entire range of IT products and services. Gartner uses primary research techniques, complemented by secondary research sources, to build a comprehensive database of market size data on which to base its forecast.
The Gartner quarterly IT spending forecast delivers a unique perspective on IT spending across the hardware, software, IT services and telecommunications segments. These reports help Gartner clients understand market opportunities and challenges. The most recent IT spending forecast research is available at Gartner Worldwide Spending Forecast. This quarterly IT Spending Forecast page includes links to the latest IT spending reports, webinars, blog posts and press releases.
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