Die E-Mail aus der Cloud wird in Unternehmen immer beliebter

illu cc0 e-mail at cloud 1Der Markt für E-Mail-Lösungen aus der Cloud ist noch jung, erst 13 Prozent der weltweit gelisteten Aktiengesellschaften nutzen einen der Hauptanbieter für E-Mail aus der Cloud. Eine aktuelle Studie des IT Research- und Beratungsunternehmens Gartner zeigt, dass 8,5 Prozent der befragten Aktiengesellschaften die Cloud-Lösung mit Office 365 von Microsoft nutzen, 4,7 Prozent setzen auf Google Apps for Work. Die übrigen 87 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen nutzen In-House, Hybrid, Hosted oder Private-Cloud-Angebote kleinerer Anbieter.

Gartner Says Cloud E-Mail Is Gaining Traction Among Organisations Worldwide

Microsoft Dominates Cloud E-Mail in Large Public Companies, Shares the Remainder with Google

STAMFORD, Conn., February 1, 2016 — The cloud E-Mail market is still in the early stages of adoption with 13 per cent of identified publicly listed companies globally using one of the two main cloud E-Mail vendors, according to Gartner, Inc. A recent study by Gartner found that 8.5 per cent of public companies in the sample use cloud E-Mail from Microsoft’s Office 365 service, while 4.7 per cent use Google Apps for Work. The remaining 87 per cent of companies surveyed have on-premises, hybrid, hosted or private cloud E-Mail managed by smaller vendors.

These are the findings of a Gartner research study based on an automated examination of a large number of publicly available E-Mail routing records. Gartner used the E-Mail server addresses in the domain records of nearly 40,000 public companies globally, to find out which ones point to cloud E-Mail services from Google or Microsoft.

»Although it is still early days for cloud E-Mail adoption, both Microsoft and Google have achieved significant traction among enterprises of different sizes, industries and geographies,« said Nikos Drakos, research vice president at Gartner. »Companies considering cloud E-Mail should question assumptions that public cloud E-Mail is not appropriate in their region, size or industry. Our findings suggest that many varied organisations are already using cloud E-Mail, and the number is growing rapidly.«

Among organisations using cloud E-Mail from Google and Microsoft, Microsoft is ahead in most industries, particularly in regulated industries including utilities, energy and aerospace. Google is ahead in industry segments with more competition and less regulation, such as software publishing, retail, advertising, media, education, consumer products, food and beverage, and travel.

»Among public companies using cloud-based E-Mail, Microsoft is more popular with larger organisations and has more than an 80 per cent share of companies using cloud E-Mail with revenue above $10 billion,« said Jeffrey Mann, research vice president at Gartner. »Google’s popularity is better among smaller companies, approaching a 50 per cent share of companies with revenue less than $50 million.«

In some industries — such as travel and hospitality, professional services and consumer products — the highest usage levels are among the companies with the biggest revenue. More than a third of companies in these industries with revenue above $10 billion use cloud E-Mail from one of these two vendors.

[1] Additional information is available in the report »Survey Analysis: Microsoft Dominates Cloud E-Mail in Large Public Companies but Shares the Rest With Google.«
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