Supply Chain: Mehr als ein Drittel der Führungskräfte denken, dass sie den Wandel antizipieren

foto cc0 pixabay 422737 pendel ketteEine Gartner-Umfrage belegt, dass Mitarbeiter jedoch anderer Ansicht sind. Die Analysten untersuchen die Transformation von Unternehmen der Supply Chain auf der Supply Chain Executive Conference am 19.-20. September in London [1].

Die jüngste Umfrage des IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmens Gartner unter Führungskräften und Mitarbeitern, die im Bereich Supply Chain tätig sind, belegt, dass diese eine unterschiedliche Wahrnehmung von den Fähigkeiten haben, wir ihr Unternehmen sich dem Wandel anpasst. Die Umfrage veranschaulicht, dass 36 Prozent der Führungskräfte denken, dass ihr Unternehmen gut für die Herausforderungen des Wandels gerüstet ist, während davon nur 13 Prozent der Mitarbeiter ausgehen.

Laut Gartner ist die Aufgabe Personen und Unternehmen in Zeiten des Wandels zu managen, auch heute weiterhin eine der entscheidendsten Aspekte von Leadership in Unternehmen, die sich mit der Supply Chain beschäftigen. Das »Digital Business« gestaltet die Supply Chain um, das bedeutet für Führungskräfte die Belegschaft dafür einzusetzen um Geschäftsmodelle, Technologie, Prozesse und Fähigkeiten zu verändern und anzupassen.

Gartner Survey Reveals More Than a Third of Supply Chain Executives Think They Are Leading Change While Employees Think Differently

Supply Chain Organisation Transformation to Be Explored at the Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference 2016, 19-20 September, in London, UK

Egham, UK, 1st September, 2016 — Managing people and organisations through change continues to be one of the most critical aspects of leadership in supply chain organisations today, according to Gartner, Inc.

A recent Gartner survey* found that supply chain executives and employees have differing perceptions of their organisation’s capability in adapting to change. The survey showed that 36 per cent of supply chain executives believe they are ready for the challenge, while only 13 per cent of employees think they are.

Digital business is reshaping the supply chain, but it also requires supply chain leaders to mobilise their workforce to change business models, technologies, processes and capabilities. »To adapt and respond on the fly to the challenges their organisation faces, supply chain leaders must develop the organisation’s change capabilities,« said Ken Chadwick, research director at Gartner. »Being ‚change agile‘, having the ability to design and adopt new ideas and changes quickly and completely, should be the goal of supply chain leaders in the digital era.«

Gartner analysts said supply chain executives need to understand how employees engage to support change in order to successfully lead that change. The survey revealed that employees want to be more closely connected with the overall purpose of the change and to know how it affects them in their role. Training, piloting and giving feedback on the status of the change are therefore very important to employees.

»For the most effective change management strategy, communication is of paramount importance,« said Mr Chadwick. »Supply chain leaders need to create a communications plan that articulates the importance of working together toward a well-defined vision, and tailors messages and engagement methods to different audiences in order to successfully embrace new ways of working.«

When a change is implemented, it doesn’t mean it is adopted. »Supply chain leaders need to engage a team in a post-day-one follow up on system issues and training in order to keep employees moving to new business practices,« concluded Mr Chadwick.

[1] Gartner conducted a survey from April to June 2016 among 437 respondents in North America, Western Europe and Asia/Pacific. The goal was to understand how supply chain professionals feel about their careers and the workplace: to gauge the effect of digital business on employees today, and how governance or other structural mechanisms support or hamper their ability to be successful.
Gartner clients can find additional information in the report »Supply Chain Brief: CSCOs Are Leading Change, but Is Anyone Following?«

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