Markt für Business Intelligence und Analytics wächst um 7 Prozent

Im weltweiten Markt für Business Intelligence (BI) und Analytics-Software werden im Jahr 2017 insgesamt 18,3 Milliarden US-Dollar umgesetzt werden, so das IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner. Die Analysten erwarten damit ein Wachstum von 7,3 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr 2016. Bis zum Jahr 2020 soll der Markt auf 22,8 Milliarden US-Dollar anwachsen.

Laut Gartner wachsen moderne Business-Intelligence- und Analytics-Lösungen dabei weiterhin schneller als der Gesamtmarkt und gleichen damit sinkende Ausgaben für traditionelle BI-Lösungen aus. Das Wachstum dieses Teilmarktes wird sich jedoch abschwächen, von 63,6 Prozent im Jahr 2015 auf voraussichtlich 19 Prozent im Jahr 2020. Laut Gartner ist dies ein Ausdruck davon, dass Data und Analytics Mainstream werden. Die Zahl der Lizenzen wächst weiterhin, das Umsatzwachstum verlangsamt sich jedoch wegen des steigenden Preisdrucks.

»Unternehmen werden davon profitieren, dass viele neue und innovative Hersteller am Markt in Erscheinung treten werden und etablierte Hersteller sowie Start-ups stark in Innovationen investieren«, erklärt Rita Sallam, Research Vice President bei Gartner.

Gartner Says Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Market to Reach $18.3 Billion in 2017


Global revenue in the business intelligence (BI) and analytics software market is forecast to reach $18.3 billion in 2017, an increase of 7.3 per cent from 2016, according to the latest forecast from Gartner, Inc. By the end of 2020, the market is forecast to grow to $22.8 billion.

According to Gartner, modern BI and analytics continues to expand more rapidly than the overall market, which is offsetting declines in traditional BI spending. The modern BI and analytics platform emerged in the last few years to meet new organisational requirements for accessibility, agility and deeper analytical insight, shifting the market from IT-led, system-of-record reporting to business-led, agile analytics including self-service.

The modern BI and analytics market is expected to decelerate, however, from 63.6 per cent growth in 2015 to a projected 19 per cent by 2020. Gartner believes this reflects data and analytics becoming mainstream. The market is growing in terms of seat expansion, but revenue will be dampened by pricing pressure.

»Purchasing decisions continue to be influenced heavily by business executives and users who want more agility and the option for small personal and departmental deployments to prove success,« said Rita Sallam, research vice president at Gartner. »Enterprise-friendly buying models have become more critical to successful deployments.«

Gartner said that the rapidly evolving modern BI and analytics market is being influenced by the following seven dynamics:


  1. Modern BI at scale will dominate new buying — While business users initially flocked to new modern tools because they could be used without IT assistance, the increased need for governance will serve as the catalyst for renewed IT engagement. Modern BI tools that support greater accessibility, agility and analytical insight at the enterprise level will dominate new purchases.


  1. New innovative and established vendors will drive the next wave of market disruption — The emergence of smart data discovery capabilities, machine learning and automation of the entire analytics workflow will drive a new flurry of buying because of its potenzial value to reduce time to insights from advanced analytics and deliver them to a broader set of people across the enterprise. While this »smart« wave is being driven by new innovative startups, traditional BI vendors that were slow to adjust to the current »modern« wave are driving it in some cases.


  1. Need for complex datasets drives investments in data preparation — Business users want to analyse a diverse, often large and more complex combinations of data sources and data models, faster than ever before. The ability to rapidly prepare, clean, enrich and find trusted datasets in a more automated way becomes an important enabler of expanded use.


  1. Extensibility and embeddability will be key drivers of expanded use and value — Both internal users and customers will either use more automated tools or will embed analytics in the applications they use in their context, or a combination of both. The ability to embed and extend analytics content will be a key enabler of more pervasive adoption and value from analytics.


  1. Support for real-time events and streaming data will expand use — Organisations will increasingly leverage streaming data generated by devices, sensors and people to make faster decisions. Vendors need to invest in similar capabilities to offer buyers a single platform that combines real-time events and streaming data with other types of source data.


  1. Interest in cloud deployments will continue to grow — Cloud deployments of BI and analytics platforms have the potenzial to reduce cost of ownership and speed time to deployment. However, data gravity that still tilts to the majority of enterprise data residing on-premises continues to be a major inhibitor to adoption. That reticence is abating and Gartner expects the majority of new licensing buying likely to be for cloud deployments by 2020.


  1. Marketplaces will create new opportunities for organizations to buy and sell analytic capabilities and speed time to insight — The availability of an active marketplace where buyers and sellers converge to exchange analytic applications, aggregated data sources, custom visualisations and algorithms is likely to generate increased interest in the BI and analytics space and fuel its future growth.

»Organisations will benefit from the many new and innovative vendors continuing to emerge, as well as significant investment in innovation from large vendors and venture capital-funded startups,« said Ms Sallam. »They do, however, need to be careful to limit their technical debt that can occur when multiple stand-alone solutions that demonstrate business value quickly, turn into production deployments without adequate attention being paid to design, implementation and support.«


Gartner clients can read more in the reports: »Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms« and »Forecast: Enterprise Software Markets, Worldwide, 2013-2020, 4Q16 Update.«


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