KI liefert die überzeugendsten Benutzererlebnisse – zu Hause und am Arbeitsplatz.
Laut dem IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner werden emotionale KI-Systeme bis 2022 so ausgereift sein, dass sie mehr über den emotionalen Zustand eines Menschen wissen als die eigene Familie. KI ist in der Lage disruptive Kräfte zu entwickeln, die die Art und Weise, wie wir mit persönlichen Technologien interagieren, drastisch verändern.
Weitere Prognosen von Gartner zum Thema Personal Devices: Bis zum Jahr 2021 werden 10 Prozent der Nutzer von Wearables ihren Lebensstil ändern und dadurch ihre Lebensdauer um durchschnittlich sechs Monate verlängern.
Die derzeitigen Entwicklungen von KI-Emotions-Systemen bergen ein enormes Potenzial für spezialisierte Devices wie zum Beispiel medizinische Armbänder: Diese können lebensbedrohliche Zustände bereits vorhersehen und ein frühes Reagieren ermöglichen. Gleichzeitig werden spezielle Apps für Diagnose- und Therapieleistungen entwickelt, die beispielsweise Depressionen frühzeitig erkennen oder Kindern mit Autismus helfen können.
»Selbst ein einfaches Wearable Device könnte sich positiv auf die Gesundheit des Trägers auswirken«, meint Annette Zimmermann, Research Vice President bei Gartner. Wir beobachten, dass immer mehr Nutzer ihr Verhalten mit der Einführung eines Wearable Device positiv verändern. Dies kann nicht nur einen positiven Einfluss auf die körperliche Betätigung haben, sondern es gibt auch Anzeichen dafür, dass ein oder zwei von zehn Smartwatch- und Fitnessbandnutzern durch das Tragen des Geräts einen Zustand wie Schlafapnoe oder Herzrhythmusstörungen aufdecken«, betont Zimmermann.
Gartner Says Artificial Intelligence Is a Game Changer for Personal Devices
AI Will Drive the Most Compelling User Experiences at Home and in the Workplace
Emotion artificial intelligence (AI) systems are becoming so sophisticated that Gartner, Inc. predicts that by 2022, personal devices will know more about an individual’s emotional state than his or her own family. AI is generating multiple disruptive forces that are reshaping the way we interact with personal technologies.
»Emotion AI systems and affective computing are allowing everyday objects to detect, analyse, process and respond to people’s emotional states and moods to provide better context and a more personalised experience,« said Roberta Cozza, research director at Gartner. »To remain relevant, technology vendors must integrate AI into every aspect of their devices, or face marginalisation.«
The current wave of emotion AI systems is being driven by the proliferation of virtual personal assistants (VPAs) and other AI-based technology for conversational systems. As a second wave emerges, AI technology will add value to more and more customer experience scenarios, including educational software, video games, diagnostic software, athletic and health performance, and the autonomous car.
»Prototypes and commercial products already exist and adding emotional context by analysing data points from facial expressions, voice intonation and behavioural patterns will significantly enhance the user experience,« said Ms Cozza. »Beyond smartphones and connected home devices, wearables and connected vehicles will collect, analyse and process users‘ emotional data via computer vision, audio or sensors capturing behavioural data to adapt or respond to a user’s wants and needs.«
Other personal device predictions from Gartner include:
By 2021, 10 per cent of wearables users will have changed lifestyles, and thereby extend their life spans by an average of six months.
As AI emotion systems evolve there is huge potenzial for specialised devices, such as medical wristbands, which can anticipate life-threatening conditions and facilitate an early response system. At the same time special apps are also being developed for diagnostic and therapy services that will help to recognise conditions such as depression or help children with autism.
»Even a basic wearable device could have a positive impact on the wearer’s health,« said Annette Zimmermann, research vice president at Gartner. »We are seeing growing numbers of users actively changing their behaviour for the better with the adoption of a wearable device. Not only can this have beneficial influence on the amount of exercise they do but there is evidence that one or two out of 10 smartwatch and fitness band users discover a condition such as sleep apnea or cardiac arrhythmia through wearing the device.«
By 2020, 60 per cent of personal technology device vendors will use third-party AI cloud services to enhance functionality and services.
Cloud-based AI technologies are driving compelling user experiences on a variety of connected devices. Cloud offerings from the big tech players, such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Tencent, Baidu and IBM, are starting to proliferate due to their attractive cost model, easy-to-use integration and potenzial to create complex services. A major catalyst for device vendors to use cloud AI services is the increased usage of VPAs and natural-language technologies, while the adoption of VPA-based, screenless devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home is also on the rise, further increasing usage of cloud AI services.
»We are starting to see adoption of these services from high-profile vendors that are using them to widen their reach,« said Anthony Mullen, research director at Gartner. »Fitbit uses Alexa Skills to make user stats and functionality available through VPA speakers just as Netflix uses Actions for Google Assistant to voice control its service. Ultimately, vendors will compete on the best user experience and the smartness of their products, not the technology behind it.«
Through 2022, security technology combining machine learning, biometrics and user behaviour will reduce passwords to account for less than 10 per cent of all digital authentications.
Password-based simple authentication is becoming less and less effective for personal devices. Even today’s popular biometric technology — fingerprint authentication — is only around 75 per cent successful due to contaminants such as dirt and sweat.
»Users need more convenient and accurate options for unlocking their devices,« said CK Lu, research director at Gartner. »Security technologies that combine machine learning, biometrics and user behavior will become necessary to improve ease of use, self-service and frictionless authentications. Within the next five years new security technology will recognise the user, prevent fraud and detect automation threats such as malware, remote access Trojans and malicious bots.«
Gartner clients can learn more in the report: »Predicts 2018: Personal Devices.« This research is part of the Gartner Special Report »Predicts 2018: Stimulate Creativity to Generate Success,” a collection of research that focuses on predictions to help support the goals of capturing value from new opportunities and overcoming threats.
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