- Unternehmen müssen ihre Netzwerkszugangsrichtlinien aktualisieren, um auf Angriffe von IoT-Geräten vorbereitet zu sein.
- Bis zum Jahr 2020 werden die Nutzer von Geräten des IoT die Anzahl der Nutzer von Laptops, Tablets oder Smartphones um ein Dreifaches übersteigen.
Laut einer Prognose des IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmens Gartner werden bis zum Jahr 2020 21 Milliarden Geräte, die mit dem Internet of Things (IoT) verbunden sind, genutzt werden. Laut Gartner fallen davon rund 6 Prozent dieser Geräte auf den Einsatz in der Industrie. Jedoch haben IT-Unternehmen Schwierigkeiten diese Geräte zu identifizieren und sie in den eigenen Netzwerkszugangsrichtlinien zu kennzeichnen. Führungskräfte aus dem Bereich Infrastructure & Operation (I&O) müssen demzufolge ihre Netzwerkzugangsrichtlinien aktualisieren um sich problemlos gegen mögliche Angriffe von IoT-Geräten zu wehren.
Tim Zimmermann, Research Vice President bei Gartner: »Nachdem viele Unternehmen eine Bring-Your-Own-Device Strategie eingeführt haben, müssen Unternehmen nun beginnen, die Devices ihrer Mitarbeiter ins Netzwerk zu integrieren. Die von uns prognostizierten 21 Milliarden Geräte des IoT werden alle Zugriff zum Netzwerk des Unternehmens wollen.«
Gartner Says Organisations Must Update Their Network Access Policy to Address Attack of IoT Devices
By 2020, IoT Devices Will Outnumber Users With Laptops, Tablets or Smartphones by More Than Three Times
By 2020, 21 billion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be in use worldwide. Of these, close to 6 per cent will be in use for industrial IoT applications. However, IT organisations have issues identifying these devices and characterising them as part of current network access policy, said Gartner, Inc. Infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders must therefore update their network access policy to seamlessly address the onslaught of IoT devices.
»Having embraced a bring-your-own-device strategy, organisations must now get employee devices on the enterprise network and start addressing the 21 billion IoT devices that we project will want access to the enterprise network,« said Tim Zimmermann, research vice president at Gartner. »Whether a video surveillance camera for a parking lot, a motion detector in a conference room or the HVAC for the entire building, the ability to identify, secure and isolate all IoT devices — and in particular »headless« devices — is more difficult to manage and secure.«
Many IoT devices will use the established bandwidth of the enterprise network provided by the IT organisation (wireless 1.3 Gbps of 802.11ac Wave 1 or 1.7 Gbps of 802.11ac Wave 2). However, it is important that the IT organisation works directly with facilities management (FM) and business units (BUs) to identify all devices and projects connected to the enterprise infrastructure and attaching to the network.
Once all of the devices attached to the network are identified, the IT organisation must create or modify the network access policy as part of an enterprise policy enforcement strategy. This should determine if and how these devices will be connected, as well as what role they will be assigned that will govern their access.
In order to monitor access and priority of IoT devices, I&O leaders need to consider additional enterprise network best practices. These can be defining a connectivity policy, as many IoT devices will be connected via Wi-Fi; performing spectrum planning — many IoT devices may be using 2.4GHz, but may not be using 802.11 protocols such as Bluetooth, ZigBee or Z-Wave, which may create interference; or considering packet sniffers to identify devices that may do something undesirable on the network.
While more IoT devices are added to the enterprise network, I&O leaders will need to create virtual segments. These will allow network architects to separate all IoT assets (such as LED lights or a video camera) from other network traffic, supporting each FM application or BU process from other enterprise applications and users.
As the concept of virtual segments continues to mature, the capabilities will allow network architects to prioritise the traffic of differing virtual segments as compared with the rest of the traffic on the network. For example, security video traffic and normal enterprise application traffic may have a higher priority than LED lighting.
Gartner clients can read more in »Beyond BYOD to IoT, Your Enterprise Network Access Policy Must Change.« https://www.gartner.com/login/loginInitAction.do?method=initialize&TARGET=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.gartner.com%252Fdocument%252F3425418
Analysts will further discuss how organisations need to plan for the digital future during Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2016, 6-10 November in Barcelona. Follow news and updates on Twitter using #GartnerSYM.
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